Spirituality: Understanding Energy and Self Care
00:00 Title Slide 1: A transparent and darkened screen shot of a tan wall with green vines hanging down in the background. Bianca, who is in the center of the screen, is a mixed, light-skinned woman, with dark brown hair up in two high curly buns. She is wearing purple lipstick, wears dangling copper earrings, a black shawl with patterns and flowers on it. Underneath is a black dress with a wide cross across the chest. The words on the dress are: “Positive Vibes Only.” Overlapping the background: white title text 1: “#DeafWokeArtisticWellness;” animated text 2: “Presents” text is dark blue, on a white block, bordered by colorful spring flowers, located in the lower right corner of the video.
00:06 In the center of the screen the animated first line in white text slides in horizontally: “Spirituality: Understanding Energy and Self Care;” then the animated second line in white text slides in vertically: “By: Bianca Ware.”
00:10 Hello everyone, my name is Bianca Ware, this is my sign name (B). Video description: a tan wall with green vines hanging from the ceiling. I am a light skinned-mixed black and white woman, with dark brown hair in buns and curls hanging from them. I have on purple lipstick, and am wearing dangling earrings. I’m wearing a black shawl with patterns and flowers. Underneath, I’m wearing a black dress with an X mark in the chest, and words that say, “positive vibes only.” The title of my video is called “Spirituality: Understanding Energy and Self Care.”
01:02 Spirituality… What is it? Spirituality is a broad umbrella of topics to explore, but what I want to talk about today is this: energy and self-care.
01:19 Spirituality, among other things, is the awareness of self and the energy within that animates us.
01:31 We are energy; spirituality helps us understand this, how to manipulate it, and use it to create a better reality for ourselves and improve our health.
01:47 The laws of physics says, energy can’t be created nor destroyed, it always exists around us. We can give off energy to our environment and attract it.
02:02 We can subconsciously give and attract heavy, negative energy if we are in a bad mood, in pain, or feeling stressed. I say subconsciously, because most people don’t realize this or aren’t making the connections to themselves and the environment.
02:25 This is where self-care comes in. With spiritual practices, we can learn to recognize the energies we are giving and attracting, and actively cleanse ourselves of what doesn’t belong to us.
02:43 These are some of my favorite spiritual practices for cleansing myself of the negative energies I pick up on daily:
Video Description 2:
02:58 Slide 1: The background: a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen, a navy blue vertical rectangle bubble appears, with an animated large red capped mushroom with small white dots, an inverted yellow/white flower on top, and a snail, a tan trunk that gets larger at the base, and finally an animated large green leaf behind the mushroom. Texts in white within the navy blue bubble: Line 1,“Daily Tips:” line 2, “Take a Shower.”
Transcript continued:
03:01 Take a shower. Yes, a very simple act you can do for yourself! When you shower, visualize being cleansed of the energy that washes off and goes down the drain and return to Earth. For more impact, put your head directly under the water, as if you’re in a waterfall. It feels so good.
Video Description 3:
03:30 Video Clip: Bianca is in a running shower behind opaque glass doors, the background wall is a cream color, and there is steam along with rainbows and animated bubbles.
03:33 Slide 2: The background: a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen, a navy blue vertical rectangle bubble appears, with an animated large red capped mushroom with small white dots, an inverted yellow/white flower on top, and a snail, a tan trunk that gets larger at the base, and finally an animated large green leaf behind the mushroom. Texts in white within the navy blue bubble: Line 1,“Daily Tips:” line 2, “Take a Shower;” line 3, “Meditate.”
Transcript continued:
03:37 Second, meditation. Imagine a pure white light from above washing over you from head to toes; the heavy energy is falling away. You’ll feel lighter when you’re finished. Find the time to practice 15 to 30 minutes.
Video description 4:
04:07 Video clip: In the same clothes and hairdo, Bianca is sitting on the floor, meditating on a blue yoga mat. There is an exotic plant to her left and a tall cacti to her right. In the background there is a tan wall with green vines hanging down.
04:13 Slide 3: The background: a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen, a navy blue vertical rectangle bubble appears, with an animated large red capped mushroom with small white dots, an inverted yellow/white flower on top, and a snail, a tan trunk that gets larger at the base, and finally an animated large green leaf behind the mushroom. Texts in white within the navy blue bubble: Line 1,“Daily Tips:” line 2, “Take a Shower;” line 3: “Meditate;” line 4, “Talk it out.”
Transcript continued:
04:18 Third, talk it out. A lot of times energy is built up within us because we are suppressing it. We are either ashamed or afraid to talk about what’s bothering us. Sadly, this can lead to dis-ease in our body. Talk to a friend with the space to listen, and get it out.
Video Description 5:
04:48 video clip: In the same clothes and hairdo, Bianca is sitting facing left towards her laptop both of which are set on a brown and cream wooden seat, The background has a tan wall with green vines hanging down.
Transcript continued:
04:48 Thank you for listening to me, this was bothering me for days. I feel so much better now.
Video Description 6:
04:57 Slide 4: The background: a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen, a navy blue vertical rectangle bubble appears, with an animated large red capped mushroom with small white dots, an inverted yellow/white flower on top, and a snail, a tan trunk that gets larger at the base, and finally an animated large green leaf behind the mushroom. Texts in white within the navy blue bubble: Line 1,“Daily Tips:” line 2, “Take a Shower;” line 3: “Meditate;” line 4, “Talk it out;” line 5, “Sunshine and nature.”
Transcript continued:
05:02 Sit in the sun or among the trees for a while. These experiences are instant mood boosters. The Earth will absorb whatever energy that doesn’t belong to you.
Video Description 7:
05:20 Video Clip: Bianca is wearing the same outfit and hairdo. She is sitting outside in the grass, feeling the wind. There are two trees set behind her. The sky appears cloudy.
05:27 Slide 5: The background: a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen, a navy blue vertical rectangle bubble appears, with an animated large red capped mushroom with small white dots, an inverted yellow/white flower on top, and a snail, a tan trunk that gets larger at the base, and finally an animated large green leaf behind the mushroom. Texts in white within the navy blue bubble: Line 1,“Daily Tips:” line 2, “Take a Shower;” line 3: “Meditate;” line 4, “Talk it out;” line 5, “Sunshine and nature;” line 6, “Be Creative.”
Transcript continued:
05:32 Finally, I like to use my creative outlets of drawing and painting. Expressing my emotions (or energy) helps with the process of releasing. Important note: you do not need to be an expert. Just do it to express yourself. It will feel good!
05:57 video clip: Bianca is sitting on a brown and cream wooden chair, painting on a canvas that is propped up, upon a chair facing her. In her hands are a paint brush and a wooden plate for paint. The background is a tan wall with green vines hanging down.
Transcript continued:
06:04 That’s all of my daily practices! Put them to use and notice your energy change for the better.
06:16 You’ll also begin to recognize what’s your true energy and what’s not. The process of releasing gets easier.
06:28 I hope you enjoyed all the tips I gave you. Do you want to know how to manifest the reality you truly want? Stay tuned for the next video to find out!
06:43 My name is Bianca Ware with #DWAW, thanks for watching! Bye!
End Transcript]
Final Video Description:
06:54 Closing Slide 1: In the background there is a vertical ombre of lavender to soft violet. In the center of the screen an animated white block bordered by colorful spring flowers, has navy blue texts that appears: “Thanks for watching”
06:57 Closing Slide 2: In the background there is black with gray text in the center of the screen. “#DeafWokeArtisticWellness”