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Deaf Woke Artistic Wellness
Noah James
Self-Description: Noah is an African-American person with caramel skin. He has almond shaped eyes with long curly lashes. He is bald with a chiseled face and full smile. Noah is wearing a black shirt that says Deaf Artistic Wellness.
Noah D. James III (he/his.) has esteemed over three decades of intentional dance work here in THE OHLONE. A movement journey that includes performance installations and partnership with Urban Jazz Dance Company and the #DeafWokeArtisticWellness team. To honoring his family origins and heritage from the Point Shipyard Project in Push Dance Company while co-developing and directing a wonderful garden with Visceral Roots Dance Company. In 2015, while home at Shawl Anderson Dance Center, Noah picked up The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp. His life was forever impacted and constantly moving toward being an artist of servitude. Noah has worked over thirty different jobs while courageously carving out a dance journey of his own-at time- even against doctors' advice. He has worked with Dimensions Dance Theatre, Anne Bluethanthal, Ross Dance Company, and many other collaborations. While growing up with Sickle Cell Disease, Noah discovered he was deaf and hard of hearing. He learned early on to adapt and embrace the differences against societal norms and pressure by choosing joy. A quote by Rabindranath T., "I slept and dreamt that life was a joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was a joy.” May the dance continue! Here are some ways to connect with Noah:
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