Deaf Woke Artistic Wellness
Kimberly Han
Self-description: Kimberly Han, DeafBlind Asian American woman, has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She smiles directly at the camera and wears a polka dots dress.
Kimberly Han, DeafBlind Korean American, is born and raised in southern California. After living in Washington, DC, and New Mexico for her education, she currently lives in Los Angeles. Kimberly practices yoga on and off for ten years before signing up for 200 hours yoga teacher training during the pandemic and in her third trimester. With her certificate, she teaches yoga in person and online to Deaf and DeafBlind communities. Yoga is not her only career. She experienced working as a college counselor, substitute teacher, small business owner, Protactile educator, and internship coordinator. With many hats, Kimberly strives to share her skills with the community.