Food: The Truth About Food Pt 2
Video description:
00:00 Opening slide: Black background with yellow text center screen. “Disclaimer: This video is not meant to be used to diagnose or cure an individual. Everyone's body is different and should consult a doctor for a proper analysis on what their body can work with. This is for informational purposes only.”
00:19 main video: Bianca is a mixed light-skinned woman with curly brown hair past her shoulders. She is wearing red glasses, a sparkling necklace and earrings, and a hot pink dress. The background has a shimmering pale lavender cloth.
00:28 Title Slide: Wooden background with white outlined shapes containing black and white title texts: “The Truth about Food and Its Impact on Our Body: Part 2;” Animated white forks and knives dance around the texts. Black texts come in to replace the last text: “Let’s continue the Gold: The intake cycle and more: Part 2”
00:28 The Intake cycle includes lunch and dinner, from noon until 8pm. These meals usually include a raw salad eaten first, which also has high water content and life force energy. It is easily and quickly digested, and followed by a heavier, cooked dish that is combined well.
00:52 It’s important to understand that the body knows itself. It knows that it needs life force to live. We will keep eating as long as the body is looking for the essential life force, but it will not be fooled by substitutes. Our stomach holds 2-3 cups of food, so if you overeat without the quality and satisfaction you need, you are overfilling your body with degenerative dead food. Not nice, right?
01:34 An overload of dead food leads to a body over-taxed, de-energized and slows down due to sludge buildup. This leads to the three Ds: dis-ease, degeneration, and death.
02:04 You should also be aware of what non-organic foods can interfere with your body’s ability to operate optimally. Other than dead meat which has no life force energy, these are chemicals you may find in the ingredients list of processed and packaged foods. Pause to take a screenshot:
Video description 2:
02:35 Slide 2: A white background, with dark gray and orange blotches on the corners. On the right bottom corner there is an oval image of fast food items: fries, chicken nuggets, hamburger, sauce in box-like packaging. On the left side of the image is the text of ingredients: “Trace elements of 2, 4-Xylenolor2, 4-
Dimenthylophenol, 6-Benzyl-aminopurine, Amitrole, AzinphosMethyl, Benomyl, Bentazon, Captan, Carbaryl, Chinomethionat, Clofentezine, Copper Sulphate, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Diazinon, Dichlone, Dicofol, Dimethoate, Diphenylamine, Diquat, Dodine, Endosulfan, Etherfon, Ethion, Ethoxyquin, Fenbutatin Oxide, Fenitrothion, Fenvalerate, Ferbam, Fluazifop-Butyl, Fluazifop-P-Butyl, Folpet, Fommetanate Hydrochloride, Gibberellic Acid, Glyphosate (present as isopropylamine salt), Lime Sulphur or Calcium Polysulphide, Linuron, M-Cresol, Malathion, Manoozeb, Metaldehyde, Memidathion, Methomyl, Methoxychlor, Metriram, Metribuzin, Mineral Oil, Naphthaleneacetimide, Napropamide, OPhenylphenol, Oxamyl, Oxy-demeton- Methyl, Parrafin Base Mineral Oil, Paraquat, Parathion, Permethrin, Phosalone, Phosmet, Pirimicarb, Propargite, Propyzamide, Bimazine plus related active trizines, Streptomycin, Sulphur, Terbicil, Thiabendazole, Thiophanate-Methyl, Thiram, Methyl Bromide.
Transcript continued:
02:49 As you arm yourself with this knowledge and apply them, incredible things can happen:
02:57 Food addictions, coffee, tea, chemical, sugar and substance addiction falls away. Additionally, addictions to fear, anger, depression, inadequacy, powerlessness, victimization, etc. eventually falls away from your consciousness too.
03:26 With the power of the life force from the cosmos to our food, who/what you aren’t falls away, and who you really are emerges. You look good, feel good, and are good.
03:49 Good luck on your journey to becoming the most authentic, whole and loving version of You. Thanks for watching! Bye!
[End transcript]
Final Video Description:
04:03 credits slide: Black background with yellow text center screen: “Credit:
Vlog Artist: Bianca Ware;Resource: “The Intergalactic Café: An Energy Guide to the Care and Feeding of Your Light Body.” Authors: zho-de-Rah and Zon-O-Ray. Pgs. 13, 25-29.”
04:08 closing slide: Black background with off white text: “hashtag DeafWokeArtisticWellness”