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Introduce To Sea Moss

Introduce To Sea Moss

[TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION: 4 minute, 26 second information vlog by Dorothea Tolliver. Dorothea is an African American woman with brown chocolate skin from her father. She has curly black and salt and pepper hair worn in a low bun. She is wearing gold hoop earrings and a blue 3/4 sleeve blouse while standing in her kitchen. TITLE SLIDE: Dorothea standing in her kitchen with her hands raised. A circle of text around her reads: Sea Moss by Dorothea Tolliver. At the bottom of the slide: #DeafWokeArtisticWellness. DOROTHEA: Hello!! Welcome to my kitchen and guess what I want to show you what Sea Moss is. (Pause- showing you my bowl). You may be wondering what that is and never heard of that “EWW”, and ugly worms’ things. No, I know it look different and ugly, but it looks beautiful why plus good healthy yes. Sea moss made from what have given you 92 minerals and if you want to add more vitamins then it called bladderwrack that will become 102 and have many good benefits why? It will support for your immune system, grow your hair, and will improve your metabolism, will help your acid reflux, health for your bone, prevent cancer, and cleaning your body for lose weight, and plus increase for your sex drive and many lists goes on. It is good benefits So, I So, I want to say where from? You are wondering where from it is from sea moss from where see weed in Atlantic Ocean and deep ocean get it out. I want to show you how to make sea moss gel and why it is benefits and show you step by steps you are ready? Come on. Dorothea demonstrates how to make sea moss gel in a large blue bowl using sea moss, limes, and mineral water. She covers the ingredients with aluminum foil then places the bowl in her refrigerator. After soaking, she takes the moss out of the bowl and adds it to a small bullet blender without the limes. She adds bottled water and blends the moss into a gel and pours the gel into a mason jar. END SLIDE: A black background with yellow text reading: #DeafWokeArtisticWellness TRANSCRIPT AND END VIDEO DESCRIPTION]
Sea Moss Testimonial

Sea Moss Testimonial

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video is 5 minutes in length. Dorothy is a black woman wearing a black bonnet, a gray velvet textured bathrobe with a white t-shirt underneath. She is in her bathroom which has cream colored walls, a maroon sweater hangs up on a hook to her left, a white and turquoise towel with a pattern hangs on a rack to her right.  00:00 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]: The background is a still image of Dorothea giving a thumbs up and holding a glass of her Sea Moss Drink. In the upper left corner are yellow text: “Sea Moss Testimonial By: Dorothea Tolliver,” with a transparent black box background. In the lower left are the CC and ASL interpreted icons. In the lower right corner are yellow text: “hashtag Deaf Woke Artistic Wellness” with a transparent black box background.  00:05 [DISCLAIMER SLIDE]: Yellow text on a black background with a warning label log: Disclaimer: All information presented in this video, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you learned through this video.  [Begin Transcript: 00:12: Hello, hello, hello! My name is Dorothea Tolliver. Remember my last vlog when I talked about "How to Make Sea Moss?" Now, I want to focus on how Sea Moss changed the way I feel when I drink it, and how it benefits me. I will explain it to you now. Ready? 00:53 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]: Animated yellow text appears: “The Benefits: More Energy and Mental Clarity” on a dark grey background.  00:58: Hello, whew, I just woke up and I feel energized, wow! Before, I would not get enough sleep and have a mental fog. Now, I realize I feel different, I feel mental clarity. There's no stress and the mental fog is gone. I feel more energy, wow! I noticed that it really benefits me. I feel different, it's champ. 01:36 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]: Animated yellow text appears: “The Benefits: Soothes Menstrual Pain” on a dark grey background.  01:42: Also, when my monthly period comes and notice when I start cramping, ever since I've been drinking Sea Moss, the pain from cramps goes away immediately, wow! Compared to pills which can take up to two hours to relieve pain. Then the cramps still return, you take more pills and the cycle repeats. On the other hand, my Sea Moss drink makes it disappear, like magic! Whew, this is better and I've been using it since. 02:19 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]: Animated yellow text appears: “The Benefits: Clears Skin” on a dark grey background.  02:31: I use just a little, not too much. 02:51: Next, I wash it off. 02:58: Lastly, I added moisture to my face. 03:04 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]:  Animated yellow text appears: “The Benefits: Helps with Bowel Movement” on a dark grey background.  03:09: Wow...I just went to the bathroom, I pooped two times. Every morning and every night, whew. Before, it was once a day. That really benefits me, Sea Moss is champ! 03:25: Now you've seen my whole video and the different benefits I listed, right? So, the reason why I continue to use Sea Moss for my benefit, is that it really changed me. Since I've been drinking it, it heals my cramps, it clears my skin and my mind. I realize it's better than taking pills.Taking pills everyday comes with a lot of side effects for you. It's disruptive. It can cause mood swings, depending on the pill. But Sea Moss is natural. It's one hundred percent natural. It comes from plants that grow in the water naturally. There are no chemicals at all. Wow, it really benefits me. I don't have to worry about any side effects, compared to pills. I recommend Sea Moss. So, that's the reason I've continued to use Sea Moss. I hope you guys enjoyed my video as much as I do! Bye! 04:42: This is my favorite.  04:47: I will never forget to drink my Sea Moss. End Transcript] 04:55 [SLIDE DESCRIPTION]: In yellow text, Hashtag Deaf Woke Artistic Wellness appears in the center of a black background.
Food: The Truth about Food Pt 1

Food: The Truth about Food Pt 1

[TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION Video Description: 00:00 Opening slide: black background with yellow text center screen. “Disclaimer: These videos are not meant to be used to diagnose or cure an individual. Everyone's body is different and should consult a doctor for a proper analysis on what their body can work with. This is for informational purposes only.” 00:10 opening slide 2: A darkened and transparent background image of Bianca who is a mixed light-skinned woman with curly brown hair past her shoulders. She is wearing red glasses, a sparkling necklace and earrings, and a hot pink dress. The background has a shimmering pale lavender cloth. An overlay of white texts appear in this order: “hashtag deaf woke artistic wellness and Bianca Ware presents” 00:15 Slide 3: Wooden background with white outlined shapes containing black and white title texts appearing in this order: “The Truth about Food and Its Impact on our Body: Part 1” and animated white forks and knives dance around the texts. Transcript: 00:28 Hello everyone, my name is Bianca Ware, this is my sign name. I would like to drop some truth bombs about food and its impact on our body. Get ready to take some notes, screen shots, and pause the video as needed; What I’m about to share is gold. 00:51 We know of three main meals of the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We’ve been taught when to eat those meals and what to eat for those meals according to our culture, family traditions, and region. What if I told you the reason why some of us are sick or with low energy all the time, is due to eating at the wrong times, and mixing the wrong foods? 01:27 Here in the United States, we’ve been taught to follow a food chart that needs updating, have chemically laden food that are banned in other countries, and lack true knowledge of how to acquire the nutrients we really need for our body. 01:52 Our body is truly amazing and very complex. We are made up of water, oxygen, and life force energy from the cosmos. With organic food consumed at the right time, our body can regenerate, heal, self-correct, cleanse and evolve into a whole new you. Yes…yes… 02:35 The opposite is true with non-organic foods. They give degenerative energy and cause our body to work harder which leads to stress on the body, fatigue and dis-ease. The connection to the cosmos diminishes. 03:01 So, let’s arm ourselves with knowledge, because knowledge is power, right? First, we need to recognize that there are three 8 hour cycles: Intake, Integrate, and Eliminate. Intake is from noon until 8pm, Integrate is from 8pm to 4am, and Elimination is from 4am to noon. 03:35 Breakfast is part of our elimination cycle, the last of the three cycles. To assist elimination, raw organic fruit or juice is consumed. Fruit is a very high water content food, which is made up of 80-90 percent water. They digest in the intestine, not the stomach, and you can eat as much as you want until noon only with other fruits. 04:11 Whenever fruit is eaten on an empty stomach, it facilitates weight loss, accelerates cleansing and clearing of hyperacidic and toxic sludge build up in our body. Fruit gives us life force energy through digestion, which makes regeneration and healing possible. 04:37 Check out this chart of all the fruits you can combine, whether acidic or sweet, or should enjoy alone: End transcript Closing Video Description: 04:48 Slide 4: Tan textured background with a medley of fruits and leaves as a border of the background. Text in black placed in three columns in this order: “Intake Food Combination: Fruit. (From Left to Right columns): Acid and sub-acid food that combines well together: blackberries, grapefruit, kumquat, lemon, lime, orange, pineapple, plums (sour), pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, tangeloes, apple, apricot, blueberries, cherries, fresh figs, grap (red), kiwi, peach, pear. Sweet fruit eaten after other fruit: dates (allow one hour to digest), bananas (allow one hour to digest), dried fruit (allow one hour to digest), thompson and muscat grapes (white), persimmon. Melons best eaten alone or after other fruit: cantaloupe, casaba, christmas melon, crenshaw melon, honey dew, musk, persian, watermelon.” 04:58 Slide 5: Wooden background with white outlined shapes containing black and white and black title texts: “Click the next video for Part 2!” and animated white forks and knives dance around the texts. 05:07 Slide 6 credits: black background with yellow text center screen: “Vlog Artist: Bianca Ware; Resource: “The InterGalactic Café: An Energy Guide to the Care and Feeding of Your Light Body.” Authors: zho-de-Rah and Zon-O-Ray. Pgs. 13, 25-29. 05:10 closing slide: black background with off white text in the center of the screen: “hashtag DeafWokeArtisticWellness” END TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION]
Food: The Truth About Food Pt 2

Food: The Truth About Food Pt 2

[TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION Video description: 00:00 Opening slide: Black background with yellow text center screen. “Disclaimer: This video is not meant to be used to diagnose or cure an individual. Everyone's body is different and should consult a doctor for a proper analysis on what their body can work with. This is for informational purposes only.” 00:19 main video: Bianca is a mixed light-skinned woman with curly brown hair past her shoulders. She is wearing red glasses, a sparkling necklace and earrings, and a hot pink dress. The background has a shimmering pale lavender cloth. 00:28 Title Slide: Wooden background with white outlined shapes containing black and white title texts: “The Truth about Food and Its Impact on Our Body: Part 2;” Animated white forks and knives dance around the texts. Black texts come in to replace the last text: “Let’s continue the Gold: The intake cycle and more: Part 2” Transcript: 00:28 The Intake cycle includes lunch and dinner, from noon until 8pm. These meals usually include a raw salad eaten first, which also has high water content and life force energy. It is easily and quickly digested, and followed by a heavier, cooked dish that is combined well. 00:52 It’s important to understand that the body knows itself. It knows that it needs life force to live. We will keep eating as long as the body is looking for the essential life force, but it will not be fooled by substitutes. Our stomach holds 2-3 cups of food, so if you overeat without the quality and satisfaction you need, you are overfilling your body with degenerative dead food. Not nice, right? 01:34 An overload of dead food leads to a body over-taxed, de-energized and slows down due to sludge buildup. This leads to the three Ds: dis-ease, degeneration, and death. 02:04 You should also be aware of what non-organic foods can interfere with your body’s ability to operate optimally. Other than dead meat which has no life force energy, these are chemicals you may find in the ingredients list of processed and packaged foods. Pause to take a screenshot: Video description 2: 02:35 Slide 2: A white background, with dark gray and orange blotches on the corners. On the right bottom corner there is an oval image of fast food items: fries, chicken nuggets, hamburger, sauce in box-like packaging. On the left side of the image is the text of ingredients: “Trace elements of 2, 4-Xylenolor2, 4- Dimenthylophenol, 6-Benzyl-aminopurine, Amitrole, AzinphosMethyl, Benomyl, Bentazon, Captan, Carbaryl, Chinomethionat, Clofentezine, Copper Sulphate, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Diazinon, Dichlone, Dicofol, Dimethoate, Diphenylamine, Diquat, Dodine, Endosulfan, Etherfon, Ethion, Ethoxyquin, Fenbutatin Oxide, Fenitrothion, Fenvalerate, Ferbam, Fluazifop-Butyl, Fluazifop-P-Butyl, Folpet, Fommetanate Hydrochloride, Gibberellic Acid, Glyphosate (present as isopropylamine salt), Lime Sulphur or Calcium Polysulphide, Linuron, M-Cresol, Malathion, Manoozeb, Metaldehyde, Memidathion, Methomyl, Methoxychlor, Metriram, Metribuzin, Mineral Oil, Naphthaleneacetimide, Napropamide, OPhenylphenol, Oxamyl, Oxy-demeton- Methyl, Parrafin Base Mineral Oil, Paraquat, Parathion, Permethrin, Phosalone, Phosmet, Pirimicarb, Propargite, Propyzamide, Bimazine plus related active trizines, Streptomycin, Sulphur, Terbicil, Thiabendazole, Thiophanate-Methyl, Thiram, Methyl Bromide. Transcript continued: 02:49 As you arm yourself with this knowledge and apply them, incredible things can happen: 02:57 Food addictions, coffee, tea, chemical, sugar and substance addiction falls away. Additionally, addictions to fear, anger, depression, inadequacy, powerlessness, victimization, etc. eventually falls away from your consciousness too. 03:26 With the power of the life force from the cosmos to our food, who/what you aren’t falls away, and who you really are emerges. You look good, feel good, and are good. 03:49 Good luck on your journey to becoming the most authentic, whole and loving version of You. Thanks for watching! Bye! [End transcript] Final Video Description: 04:03 credits slide: Black background with yellow text center screen: “Credit: Vlog Artist: Bianca Ware;Resource: “The Intergalactic Café: An Energy Guide to the Care and Feeding of Your Light Body.” Authors: zho-de-Rah and Zon-O-Ray. Pgs. 13, 25-29.” 04:08 closing slide: Black background with off white text: “hashtag DeafWokeArtisticWellness” END TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION]


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