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Antoine Hunter
(Purple Fire Crow)

Self-Description: Mr. Hunter PurpleFireCrow is an Indigenous African-American person with dark chocolate skin from his mother. He has almond shaped eyes with long lashes. He has long black dreadlocks tied in a low braid and a full beard. Antoine is wearing a dark v-neck shirt and smiling.

  Oakland native, Antoine Hunter aka Purple Fire Crow is an award-winning internationally known African-American, Indigenous, Deaf, Disabled, choreographer, dancer, actor, instructor, speaker, producer and Deaf advocate. He creates opportunities for Disabled, Deaf and hearing artists, produces Deaffriendly events, and founded the Urban Jazz Dance Company in 2007 and Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival in 2013. Hunter utilizes his company’s artistic talents to engage with audiences, empower Deaf and disabled communities, and advocate for human rights and access, working to end discrimination and prejudice.

  His shoe company DropLabs and Susan Paley released an innovative haptic product to
help people feel music. Hunter curated 2021 Bay Area Deaf Arts at SOMArts, is a 2021 YBCA 100 honoree, is on the production team of Signing Animation actively working on inclusive films and serves on the boards of Dance/ USA, BABDA, Museum of Dance and councils for CalArts Alumnx and Intrinsic Arts.

  In response to Covid-19 in July 2020, Hunter founded #DeafWoke, an online talk show that amplifies BIPOC Deaf and Disabled stories as a force for cultural change. 


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